Friday, 6 November 2020

Camp Recap Activity 7

 Hello fellow viewers. Today 6.11.2020 I have made my self reflection about camp. I like it because I made it. So I hope you like it.


Self Reflection

Question 1   What Was The Best Part?

I think that the best part of camp was the food. I liked the food because it had a great taste to it. I also liked the food because some of the stuff I had eaten was new for me. The food was super good.  So that is what the best part was.

Question 2   What Challenged You?

I think that doing all of the activities challenged me because it was new for me and I did not know how or what to do with the equipment I was given. But there was 1 inputticulur activity that challenged me the most. It was Raft Building. Raft Building was challenging because we had to tie knots and the knots were pretty hard to tie because I thought that one of the knots I had to tie was just the hardest knot I had ever tied. 

So that is what challenged me the most.

Question 3     What Would You Do Differently Next Time?

I think that I would have done kayaking differently because I was not that energetic that day because I had a bad sleep that night. I would have done the paddling differently because I was doing it wrong and I knew that if I was doing it wrong I would have been going nowhere. So if I had changed that I would have been going super fast (well not that fast).

Question 4     What Did I learn?

I learnt how to do many things like how to use an archery bow! I thought every activity was fun, and it felt like I had done all of the activities already in my life because I knew how to do all of the activities. I learnt how to do/use: UHF Radios, Bush cooking, kayaking, raft building, Archery, Air rifle shooting, Rock climbing and I learnt how to communicate without using my voice.

Question 5     How Much Effort Did You Put Into Each Activity?

So I don’t know how much well kind of because I was sick for most of camp but I tried my best to put as much effort into every captivity because if I don’t put effort into it then I will not have that much fun. So what I did was put in as much effort as I could so it would be fun. I think that I put 76.8% effort into Camp but I would have been about 93.9% if I was not sick.

So that is how much effort I put into camp.

Question 6      Why Do You Think That the Experience Was Important?

I think that the experience was important because I learnt so much stuff. So the experience of camp was fun because of all of that stuff but there is 1 reason in particular. Getting to know people because I would have never known the people that I met there.

So That Is What Why I Think The Camp  Experience Was Important.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Camp Recap Activity 5

 Hello fellow viewers. Today 4.11.2020 I have done a new post of the new NEWS!! 

The news is about Group 7.

So Yeah.

I Hope You Like It!
